Transcript of an excerpt of Collet Stephan's interview with the police, published by the CBC. (Line breaks added to improve readability.)
... and Tuesday, um ... I had noticed he was becoming a little bit more lethargic, a little bit more weak,
um so I went back online to look at what these symptoms could be and um figured that there's prob'ly some dehydration and so forth (inaudible) the previous week and um within the smoothies I stopped putting in the an... natural anti-inflammatories and as well as the natural like antibiotic and um anti uh viral just because he was doing so much better, I didn't want to overdo with any of that, he seemed to be fine,
and so Monday and Tuesday he didn't have that in his shake and on Tuesday he seemed not as alert, um, he wasn't as responsive with communication – he's not talking yet but he does do sign language with me – um, and he would do a movement with his hand that didn't seem like it was him controlling it? Uh, something maybe more neurological where he would um kind of pull at his diaper almost like he's taking off it and then rub the side of his head with the side of his fist twice and he'd do that a couple times and then stop,
um, so once I saw that I ... we increased the fluids, we made sure he was getting even more fluids, and we increased the smoothies, and um he improved quite quickly, he was responding a lot faster, and so we kept up with that and we introduced um some solids, he liked um rice baby crackers, he started eating those and was doing well, and it was like that and he just kept getting better the next couple of days
and then Sunday, that following Sunday we noticed he started to become a little bit more lethargic again, and uh once again I wasn't putting any of the anti-inflammatories or the natural antibiotic and um that night he didn't sleep as good so Monday when we woke up we decided not to go to school um just because of how he was, his sleep wasn't very good that night, I didn't want to expose him to any of the children,
and um and I called my um birth attendant, I had both my children, she's an RN, um and I had her come out um come over and check his vitals, I wanted to make sure that his lungs were clear, I wanted to make sure there was no pneumonia or anything, no fluid in the lungs, and he was... make sure things were okay and he was asleep when she got there and um so because he didn't seem to be as responsive as he was before
um, through her experience she said he does look like he's showing signs of meningitis so I went online and researched meningitis and um figured that he did look like he had about 95% of those symptoms of viral meningitis, I researched all three meningitises, and um with the viral it takes much longer and the recommendation on the medical websites as well as the natural websites was boosting the immune system, um, increasing it a lot and then um one of the options they said if we were to go to a hospital you would be put on an antibiotic so I started the natural antibiotics immediately again with natural anti-inflammatories in case there's any inflammation um trying to prevent anything so that it didn't turn a bacterial if it was meningitis
uh so we started that um immediately as well as um, another natural product, uh, what's it called, Total Reload? which is filled with um electrolytes, vitamins, um and broke down amino acids like that already broke down form of protein so the body wouldn't have to break it down so it's easily digestible and so we started getting that into him immediately and he started to improve very quickly ...
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